Sunday, December 21, 2014

Me & AzizCFP (Appt 1)

Alhamdulillah lepas 2 minggu menunggu, dapat SMS dari Kak Lin untuk appointment pertama pada 21st Nov 2014 pukul 8 mlm. 2 minggu tempoh menunggu memang terasa amat menyeksakan, sampai aku dan orang rumah xde cerita pasal perkara lain dari topik bila nak dapat 1st appointment ni.

Dapat SMS dari Kak Lin, Kak Lin minta senaraikan segala hutang piutang yang sedia ada. Dia minta confirmkan untuk datang, kalau tak dpt datang kene bgtau supaya dia boleh masukkan org lain. Mesti ramai yang tgh dalam que menunggu. Walaupun plan asal aku nak balik Pontian mlm tu, aku gagahkan juga untuk tunda, lepas habis. Aku kira2 lebih kurang 2 jam habislah appointment.

Kami sampai kat office En Aziz lebih kurang pkl 7.20 mlm, masa kami sampai dah ada ramai yang menanti, ada dlm 10 orang (termasuk berpasangan). Kami pun tunggu lah giliran kami, dalam pkl 8 lebih Kak Lin sampai, dia panggil semua yang dtg utk 1st Appointment masuk bilik, mcm kene interview pun ada. Tapi lebih pada bersembang and suai kenal. Dalam bilik tu, Kak Lin ingatkan balik syarat2 yang perlu dipatuhi kalau nak ikut program ni. Kak Lin cerita juga pasal apa yang pernah dia lalui sebelum ni, susah payah dia, then apa yg En Aziz buat sampai diorang dah tahap pakai BMW X6 & Ferrari. Membakar semangat juga lah dengar cerita dia.

Agak2 sejam 1/2 juga lah mengadap Kak Lin ni, baru lah bersurai untuk sesi consultation. Punya lah lama nak tunggu turn kami, sampai aku terlelap dah kat sofa tu, pkl 12 baru la dapat mengadap Atikah (anak En Aziz). Atikah review semula borang PFF kami yang latest yang kami dah senaraikan perbelanjaan dan hutang yang terbaru. Lepas Atikah dah susun semuanya, dia minta kami apply untuk Tier 1 Cred Card yang disenaraikan masa seminar sebelum ni. Dia juga minta kami sediakan platform sebanyak 100k (wow) guna kan personal loan isteri. Nasiblah org rumah aku ni cikgu, semua yang dia apply semua lepas, Alhamdulillah, aku punya yang satu pun x lepas, hampes betul.

Lepas appointment 1, kami pun bertungkus lumus nak sediakan platform, pegi bank sana sini apply CC, PL. Bila dapat call dari BSN katakan PL dah lepas, fuhhhhhh lega sangat2. Tak tergambar rasa gembiranya nak selesaikan segala hutang piutang aku nih. Alhamdulillah juga lah, dalam masa lebih kurang 2-3 minggu aku berjaya sediakan platform yang diperlukan. CC pun dah ada, kira cukup buat masa ni sebelum aku cuba apply lagi untuk cred limit yang lg besar. Gunakan lah dulu apa yg ada.

Aku pun SMS lah kak lin untuk 2nd appointment. Lepas 2 hari Kak Lin reply, next appointment kami (CA) on 19th Dec 2014. Getting ready to change our destiny...another story to be told....

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Me & AzizCFP

Lama dah aku tinggalkan blog ni tanpa isi tanpa cerita. Kali ni aku aku nak bercerita tentang apa yang aku recently buat. There are lots of thing people usually tend to do, tend to achieve, dan aku percaya 80-90% of it involves $$$. Since 2007 aku menetap dan bekerja di Klang Valley ni, aku tak pernah rasa duit belanja aku tak cukup until middle 2014. Selalu nya aku akan buat senarai perbelanjaan, hutang bulanan yang aku kene bayar and selalunya akan cukup. Bila tiba middle 2014, aku dah rasa goyah, bila expenses melebihi income. Dengan tanggungan family semua, aku rasa hard to survive. Alhamdulillah juga lah, not long after that, aku di naikkan pangkat dan gaji, so aku rasa stable sikit, dan waktu tu aku berazam, stop all debt, including credit card. Bila aku kira2 hutang CC aku, dah jejak 30k. Fuhh....bayar ngam2 atau lebih sikit jer, sampai bila nak habis. Jadi aku cuba untuk tak guna/minimize kan CC usage.

Alhamdulillah aku berjaya, and at that time aku terjumpa 1 package yang boleh buat kan aku byr CC with an appropriate value within 3 years time. (That's another story yang aku tak cerita kat sini).

One time aku outstation ke Serawak, dan malam tu aku lepak dengan sorg gamers mcm aku (Clash of Clans), dia bercerita lah recently dia ikut satu program Financial Planning yang dikelolakan oleh AzizCFP. Bila aku mula dengar cerita tu, rasa biasa2 je, sebab aku tak nampak apa sebenarnya, member aku ni pun tak cerita detail, cuma dia bgtau, suruh aku attend bengkel tu dan dengar sendiri. Aku pun story lah dengan wife aku, dan cadang nak cuba dengar, apa sebenarnya mengenai AzizCFP ni.


Masa aku decide nak pegi ni, aku belum buat full decision sama ada aku nak jadi client Aziz ni. So aku tak prepare borang PFF ni lagi, tapi mai, associate En Aziz ni, ada sediakan hardcopy utk peserta isi kan. Jadi aku ambik juga lah. And at this time masa aku sampai kat tempat bengkel tu, aku ada nampak sebijik Ferrari merah baru, fuhhhhhh. Masa tu aku boleh agak, ni mesti En Aziz punya. Well, in the aspect of nak yakinkan somebody, u must have the proof. That's a proof of berjaya nya dia.

Ok, back to the program, aku tgk muka setiap orang yang dtg bengkel tu, dalam hati aku terdetik, ramai rupanya orang yang ada masalah hutang, bukan aku jer. Then En Aziz start to talk about what this seminar is all about. Panjang cerita nya, antaranya, there are lots of facility yang kita tak tau and boleh gunakan untuk selesaikan masalah kewangan kita, dengan cara dan teknik yang betul. Model AJIT adalah model yang En Aziz perkenalkan, berdasarkan pengalaman beliau mengharungi hidup susah dan senang. Bila dia cerita, dia bukan asal orang yg senang, I do believe him, sebab I know the feeling of being seorang yang susah. My belief is that, when somebody stumbled to a block that he/she cannot pass through, that's the point he/she will evolve to jump over it. It's either do or die. With the right technique, u can success, but without it, you'll end up digging your own grave. 

Speaking about model AJIT, it stands for AMANAH, JUJUR, IKHLAS, TELUS. Aku pun tak faham totally, cuma apa yang aku dapat capture, you need to be honest with every penny you spent. More than that, I think, I will grab it along the way. En Aziz ada ingatkan peserta, three things yang kita kene atasi kalau nak berjaya. PERASAAN TAMAK, NAFSU & MASA. That's another tale to be told in another post....

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Skills and Qualities Needed by Systems Engineers

Skills and Qualities Needed by Systems Engineers

* Good math skills
* Strong time management skills
* Aptitude for systems thinking
* Good common sense
* A strong desire for organization and efficiency
* Excellent communication/salesmanship
* Creative problem solving
* Quantitative skills
* Technical competency
* Continuous drive for improvement
* Resourcefulness
* Listening skills
* Negotiation skills
* Diplomacy
* Patience
* Ability to adapt to many environments, wear many hats and interact
with a diverse group of individuals
* Inquisitive mind
* Continuous desire to learn
* Leadership skills
* Ethics

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Connecting Huawei E220 HSDPA Modem in Ubuntu


You know how to use it on windows, but how about on Linux? This is what I've done on my office mate notebook who're recently using Ubuntu Linux. There are only few steps need to be done to enable it. Some information for a new beginner on Ubuntu, root user is not automatically enable. So, we require quite a number of time using the sudo command.

sudo definition: sudo allows a permitted user to execute a command as the superuser or another user, as specified in the sudoers file.

Modify the /etc/wvdial.conf as below:

[Dialer Celcom3G]
Phone = *99***1#
Modem = /dev/ttyUSB0
Username = user
Password = pass
ISDN = 0
New PPPD = yes
Baud = 1843200
Init2 = ATZ
Init3 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
Modem Type = Analog Modem
Then dial-up the Celcom3G as below:
DragonX@xzone ~ $ sudo wvdial Celcom3G
If there's some error mentioning that the modem is not responding, you only have to issue 2 commands to remove and add the uhci_hcd module (USB Driver):
DragonX@xzone ~ $ sudo modprobe -r uhci_hcd
DragonX@xzone ~ $ sudo modprobe uhci_hcd
After that, try to dial it again using the command mentioned above. If it dial successfully, verify it by using the ifconfig command. It will present a new network interface (ppp0) with IP assigned to it.

Here's is a script that will help to easily connecting the modem to the internet.


sudo modprobe -r uhci_hcd
sudo modprobe uhci_hcd

echo "Waiting kernel to detect modem device"

# Wait till the kernel recognizes our E220
while true; do

# Read log
tail -n 20 /var/log/messages > access.history
sleep 1
tail -n 20 /var/log/messages > access.current

LOG=`diff access.history access.current | grep ">" | tr -d ">"`

# Check if it is detected
if [[ "$LOG" =~ "converter now attached to ttyUSB1" ]]; then
echo "Modem device detected, dialing..."
# If it is, get out of the loop immedietly

rm access.history access.current

# Start dialing
sudo wvdial Celcom3G

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Monitoring network using scripts

I've been working on some script for this few days to monitor the network connectivity for one of my servers. Technically the server have 2 network interfaces connected to network which is "eth0" & "eth2".

Each of this interface will have a different vlan and pointing to a different gateway:
eth0 ->
eth2 ->

The main interface used will be "eth0" and there are services which will point through this vlan, in case that the interface or the switch connected to this interface fail, it will need to switch to the other interface which is "eth2".

I've created the script as below:

# Script for system monitoring with ping command
# Editor : Mohammad Al Ghazali Ismail

# Gateway

# Email

# Mail Subject
SUBJECT="Network Server Fail"

# Number of ping request

count=$(ping -c $COUNT $GW1 | grep 'received' | awk -F ',' '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}')
# If 100% failed
if [ $count -eq 0 ]; then
# 100% failed, check for GW2
count=$(ping -c $COUNT $GW2 | grep 'received' | awk -F ',' '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}')
if [ $count -eq 0 ]; then
# send notification to user
echo "Unable to resolve ping from gateway $GW1 and $GW2 on $(date)" | mail -s "$SUBJECT" $EMAILADD
# start the service on 2nd vlan
start servicename on eth2
# check the service on 2nd vlan
check servicename on eth2
if servicename is up
stop servicename on eth2
start servicename on eth0

I save the script on some directory and added it into the crontab which will execute it every 2 minutes:

# crontab -e
*/2 * * * * sh /directory/

Notes : The italic word need to be replace with the right method of checking, starting and stopping the services.

Google Snake Game

Here’s a party game which needs nothing but a working internet connection (say, a notebook or cell phone), and’s web search. The goal is to create the longest phrase that Google can find by alternately adding one word to the end of the other player’s search phrase.

Say, the first person starts with “Feelings”. Now the second person adds a word, “are”, so we get “Feelings are”... (Note the use of quotation marks in the search query.) Now every time a word is added, the phrase is searched for in Google, and the resulting page count is announced to the group. The one person who creates a sentence with zero results in Google loses and has
to do something silly (or if you want to play with points, he loses a point, and the last person who created a sentence with results in Google will win a point).

To prevent cheating, the one whose turn is next is not allowed to look at any search result snippet. Let’s take our sample, and see what we get:
  • Peter: “Feelings” (53,200,000 results in Google)
  • Mary: “Feelings are” (2,100,000 results)
  • Jake: “Feelings are nothing” (1,090 results)
  • Susan: “Feelings are nothing and” (19 results)
  • Peter: “Feelings are nothing and we” (0 results)
  • Susan gets 1 point, and Peter gets minus 1 points (or has to do something silly).
If you create too obscure a sentence there won’t be any results and you will lose, but if your sentence gets too many results, your opponent will also be able to create a sentence with results. The basic strategy is to try to create sentences so silly that there are only a few results, but not so silly there are no results…

Have fun!!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Majlis Perkahwinan Effy dan Rosli

Mempelai dua sejoli
Album perkahwinan

And for those yang selalu tanya2 dengan aku, dan masih tertanya2 siapa sebenarnya pasangan aku,jeng jeng jeng...