Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Monitoring network using scripts
Each of this interface will have a different vlan and pointing to a different gateway:
eth0 ->
eth2 ->
The main interface used will be "eth0" and there are services which will point through this vlan, in case that the interface or the switch connected to this interface fail, it will need to switch to the other interface which is "eth2".
I've created the script as below:
# Script for system monitoring with ping command
# Editor : Mohammad Al Ghazali Ismail
# Gateway
# Mail Subject
SUBJECT="Network Server Fail"
# Number of ping request
count=$(ping -c $COUNT $GW1 | grep 'received' | awk -F ',' '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}')
# If 100% failed
if [ $count -eq 0 ]; then
# 100% failed, check for GW2
count=$(ping -c $COUNT $GW2 | grep 'received' | awk -F ',' '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}')
if [ $count -eq 0 ]; then
# send notification to user
echo "Unable to resolve ping from gateway $GW1 and $GW2 on $(date)" | mail -s "$SUBJECT" $EMAILADD
# start the service on 2nd vlan
start servicename on eth2
# check the service on 2nd vlan
check servicename on eth2
if servicename is up
stop servicename on eth2
start servicename on eth0
I save the script on some directory and added it into the crontab which will execute it every 2 minutes:
# crontab -e
*/2 * * * * sh /directory/script.sh
Notes : The italic word need to be replace with the right method of checking, starting and stopping the services.
Google Snake Game
Say, the first person starts with “Feelings”. Now the second person adds a word, “are”, so we get “Feelings are”... (Note the use of quotation marks in the search query.) Now every time a word is added, the phrase is searched for in Google, and the resulting page count is announced to the group. The one person who creates a sentence with zero results in Google loses and has
to do something silly (or if you want to play with points, he loses a point, and the last person who created a sentence with results in Google will win a point).
To prevent cheating, the one whose turn is next is not allowed to look at any search result snippet. Let’s take our sample, and see what we get:
- Peter: “Feelings” (53,200,000 results in Google)
- Mary: “Feelings are” (2,100,000 results)
- Jake: “Feelings are nothing” (1,090 results)
- Susan: “Feelings are nothing and” (19 results)
- Peter: “Feelings are nothing and we” (0 results)
- Susan gets 1 point, and Peter gets minus 1 points (or has to do something silly).
Have fun!!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Majlis Perkahwinan Effy dan Rosli
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Memory of bumi kenyalang....
Aku sampai kat bumi kenyalang ni dalam jam 11.30 a.m. Terus aku pegi mencari hotel penginapan, as suggested by my dear, aku pun pegi la hotel supreme. That evening, hujan lebat turun mencurah2, dah la lapau, hujan plak tu, nak kuar mkn pun tak bleh...huhuh....
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
My last state...

6.15 - As usual, wake up as usual, performing my pray as usual. Getting ready to visit my last state that I've never visit b4. SARAWAK.
7.15 - On my way to LCCT, I seldom take a cab here from Putrajaya, but it's better to be early than late. It cost me around RM56 from Putrajaya to LCCT...sheeeeesh...
8-15 - Check in my luggage.
8 - 30 - Here I am, having breakfast at the Coffe Bean.
Friday, April 11, 2008
The act of searching for yourself is also known as “egogoogling.” Here’s a variant of it which can be a fun game. Enter your first name followed by the word “is” into Google, and put the search in quotes. For example, if your name is Susan, the search would look like this:
“susan is” Now in the search result snippets, you will learn a lot of things about
you that you didn’t even know!
For the name “Susan,” we get the following:
- Susan is an amazing person to work with!
- Susan is an ethical woman and is refusing to cooperate
- Susan is a very attractive young lady (with a boyfriend) who for some reason is always late.
- Susan is a top Florida residential real estate agent.
- Susan is a top producer specializing in the ski resort town of Breckenridge, as well as the surrounding area.
Google, and put it in quotes again:
“arnold schwarzenegger is”
For action movie star Arnie, we get these results:
- Arnold Schwarzenegger is a very talented man who would make an excellent governor.
- Arnold Schwarzenegger is falling into a similar spiral.
- Arnold Schwarzenegger is looking out for voters’ best interests.
- Arnold Schwarzenegger is a man more familiar with the red carpets of a movie premiere than a white collar business seminar.
- Arnold Schwarzenegger is terrifying as the “killer cyborg” who “looks like Death rendered in steel.”
- Arnold Schwarzenegger is The Terminator (T-800).
- Arnold Schwarzenegger is quickly discovering that life in politics doesn’t always produce the happy endings so common in many of his Hollywood blockbusters.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Jangan bilang tidak - Rafi Ahmad & Ayushita
Ku pernah punya cinta namun kini ku sedang suka kamu
Cintaku dulu tlah kubuang jauh kini ku ingin kamu
Ku pernah menyendiri di sini ku akan terasa sepi
Walaupun bibir penuh gelak tawa namun hatiku sepi
Jangan bilang tidak bila kita belum mencoba
Siapa yang tahu akan sama hatimu dan juga hatiku
Banyak yang bercinta bertahun-tahun putus juga
Kuharapkan dengan dirimu walaupun singkat pendekatan
Cinta kita kan abadi
Ku pernah punya cinta namun kini ku sedang suka kamu
Cintaku dulu tlah kubuang jauh kini ku ingin kamu
Jangan bilang tidak bila kita belum mencoba
Siapa yang tahu akan sama hatimu dan juga hatiku
Banyak yang bercinta bertahun-tahun putus juga
Kuharapkan dengan dirimu walaupun singkat pendekatan
Jangan bilang tidak waktu dicium aku bingung
Namun dada ini bergetar
Makanya sungguh aku mohon
Jangan bilang tidak
My car.....again....
Friday, April 4, 2008
Another beautiful scenery
Late evening 2 days ago, aku lepak dengan chek kat IPPM, sementara tunggu nak migrate server malam tu aku berjaya capture la scenary remang2 senja dengan pelangi yang aku rasa rare sekali boleh dapat pemandangan ni. Memang cantik dan memang aku bersyukur padaNya sebab aku antara insan yang bertuah dapat melihat pemandangan yg Dia ciptakan.